Want to learn how to use a baby carrier? Want to see how I teach something as part of your becoming an educator? Check out a Family session or two from home.
Are you already a professional and want to help other people carry babies in addition to what you already do? Are you a volunteer who would like to hear more? The Professionals sessions are meant for you.
Been sitting on this for a few years now, but it’s ready for a beta run. So let’s put it in the oven to see what happens. (For those who don’t know me, these are topics I have been teaching for a few years now, so the content isn’t in beta, only the method of delivery.) Invite your friends, or share this with them, please, and let’s have some fun! The event wall is public, so please don’t post your private information, but anyone’s welcome to chatter there with me and others.
(I’ll have some sessions coming via Interchange as well: on Handling Microaggressions, the 1.5 ANCC CEU session from the International Babywearing Conference on Why Understanding Social Justice Concepts Matters, and some “Ask Angelique Anything” chats…)
Click this for the Facebook event, or go straight to enrollment via Google Forms.