criteria for a “yes” as of march 2022
• it is related to building or maintaining relationships and does not inherently require me to take notes, send texts or emails, follow up, prepare materials, renegotiate any existing commitments, stay longer than i want to, or heavily mask (or otherwise conceal any of my identities, cultures, or experiences). • it fits into existing commitments […]
Have I done harm? Here’s my accountability crew.
I invite your feedback about anything I have done. If your feedback involves harm I have am causing or have caused, I will take it in and check with the friends I have who I trust and appreciate for helping support my learning, healing, and growth. I’ll do my best to respond with care to you […]
Launching beta run of online babywearing education for Families and Professionals
Want to learn how to use a baby carrier? Want to see how I teach something as part of your becoming an educator? Check out a Family session or two from home. Are you already a professional and want to help other people carry babies in addition to what you already do? Are you a […]
Educators, retailers, and other resources
Here is a list of professional babywearing educators I have trained. If you are interested in a private class or one-on-one consultation, please let me know, and I would be thrilled to discuss whether I might be a fit for helping you or make a referral. Babywearing International of Greater Houston (also on Facebook) has accredited Volunteer Babywearing Educators […]
Classes, consultations, and speaking engagements
Past appearances Ongoing: Babywearing International of Greater Houston (BWIGH) educational meetings You can find me anchoring one meeting per month for BWIGH. Meetings are free and open to family and caregivers of all ages who wish to learn about the use of slings and carriers through discussions, one-on-one help, and demonstrations. Members (dues are $30 per year per family) may […]
Save-the-date announcement for BI classes in Houston for 2013
In response to the great interest in the certification class I’m teaching August 16-19, I’ll be offering the classes again this fall. I will be traveling to Oklahoma to teach a combined session (Basic and Advanced together) in February 2014 and will work on 2014 class dates once those are finalized. BasicSeptember 21 and 22 […]
Save-the-date announcement for BI classes in Houston for 2013
In response to the great interest in the certification class I’m teaching August 16-19, I’ll be offering the classes again this fall. I will be traveling to Oklahoma to teach a combined session (Basic and Advanced together) in February 2014 and will work on 2014 class dates once those are finalized. BasicSeptember 21 and 22 […]